I can't think of anything! I'm too old for Barbie's and I'm too practical for anything extravagant. Socks and Target sports bras were on the top of my list! At first I thought that was pathetic but then realized that the older I get, the less frivolous stuff I want and the most useful things I would like to get. Especially because that frees up my money to spend on fun stuff for other people!
So here it is the must awaited for list:
Socks- no show for running
Target sports bras
Water purifier- I'll need it for Grad school
The new Nicholas Sparks book; or really anything to read because my next semester schedule has much more time for reading!
An extension cord for my Mac computer charger
Denver Bronco's calendar- that way I can still see them even when it's not season.
Chocolate sheets- Target's are lovely!
Criminal minds? I can't decide if I would like to have the seasons on DVD
Kelly Green Scarf
New ear warming and gloves to run with
Under Armour long sleeve to layer- I've been running 4 miles and if I want to keep it up I'll have to bear the cold outside
Bright colored cardigans
Disney Gift Cards- They will apply to Bran and I's trip to Disney World after Graduation in May!!
That's all I can think of. Plenty of practical not too expensive things. I think I was having a hard time letting go of the kid fantasy's of that one big thing that will be sitting in the living room from Santa. But this year I get to play Santa for lots of others, and that's really what Christmas is about.