Monday, December 19, 2011

Engagement Palooza!

Before I head out shopping with my soon to be mother-in-law (yup, we made it safely to Charlotte) I'd like to point out that EVERYONE is getting engaged. For some reason I thought spring was the sparkly time of year, but I suppose the holidays are good for it too. I can't imagine being engaged while still in undergrad, in fact I don't think I knew anyone while I was in undergrad that was engaged, but I suppose times are changing.

I'm crossing my fingers and toes for a couple of different besties to have the question popped! I know it must be really frustrating to see all these engagements popping up, when in the back of your mind you're waiting for a ring. I was lucky enough to be one of the first engaged so I didn't have to feel that way, but I know I would have had moments where I felt like waity katie.

Just thought I would share an observation. Happy Monday!


  1. Funny thing for you to say, I have it all over my Facebook people getting engaged. Just wait and probably tons will be getting engaged over Christmas!!

    I just came across your blog and I love it!! Cute blog!! I Can't wait to get to know you better!!

  2. literally like 6 of my friends got married last weekend. Engagements and weddings are off the wall this season haha pressure is on for me. yikes!
    Lovely Little Rants

  3. Trina Tarlton (soon-to-be-mother-in-law)December 19, 2011 at 3:49 PM

    Funny, I know several 30 something women waiting for the same question......... Luck to all this Christmas season!!! lolololol

  4. You are not kidding!! Every time I turn around someone else is getting engaged! Crazy!


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